General FAQs
A list of the most frequently asked questions about computers, email, and cyber security are addressed on this page. If your query is not addressed here, please contact us.
This email is probably a phishing scam. Phishing is intended to deceive the receiver into disclosing personal information to somebody who will use it fraudulently. In most cases, the message's context will request personal information from the receiver in order to verify their identity.
Sometimes they take it from unprotected systems or website , such mailing list databases for things you've legitimately signed up for. Additionally, if your information is not designated as private, they may search through websites to identify any place you have publicly listed your email address, such as your corporate website, discussion forums, "bulletin boards," and social media sites like twitter and Facebook.
Unauthorized individuals might change the information or use it to perpetrate identity theft if they are able to access the private data you are keeping.
Put private data on movable storage devices like a flash drive or SSD. When not in use, keep the portable media in a lockable cabinet.
Encrypt any files that contain sensitive information. On some operating systems, encryption is an option.
For questions please contact